As part of the NORC Clinical and Translational Research Services (CTRS) Core, nutrition assessment services are available through the Fred Hutchinson Nutrition Assessment Shared Resource (NASR). NASR provides a variety of methods to collect and process dietary intake data from participants enrolled in observational and intervention studies including Dietary Recalls, Multiple-Day Food Records, Custom Questionnaire Design, Food Frequency Questionnaires (FFQ) among others.
As of September 1, 2023, NASR staff and services have become part of Collaborative Data Services (CDS), another Shared Resource at Fred Hutch. Collaborative Data Services ( CDS provides customized programming services and data infrastructure solutions; project management and administrative support services; a research call center staffed by a highly trained team of bilingual (Spanish/English) research interviewers; and Spanish-English medically certified translation and interpretation services. By integrating NASR with CDS we expect to provide increased collaboration, efficiencies, and new services including Spanish language dietary recall interviews and customized programming opportunities, all under a single shared resource.
Please continue to follow NASR offerings through their website Nutrition Assessment | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center and address queries to or 206-667-4161.