New inter-NORC initiative called INSPIRE (Inter-NORC SPeakIng ScholaR InitiativE) Program

New inter-NORC initiative called INSPIRE (Inter-NORC SPeakIng ScholaR InitiativE) Program

Please see below for exciting opportunity with Harvard University’s INSPIRE Program ~  national mentorship/speaking opportunities for early career investigators in nutrition and obesity research!

  • If you are planning to apply, please refer to the UW NORC Affiliate Investigator roster here: for the INSPIRE program application question: “Mentor/Champion Suggestions within your NORC”.

The INSPIRE Program aims to promote the career of early career scientists by facilitating national speaking opportunities and career development mentorship at NORCs outside of the Scholar’s institution.  Below are details of the program benefits for applicants as well as application process.  Applications will be accepted for this Program between November 6, 2023 to December 18, 2023 5pm EST and encourage those who are from an under-represented background in academia (URiA) to apply.

For any questions regarding the program or applying to this program, please refer to and/or reach out directly to program leadership at

Applying to the INSPIRE Program:

Application window:  November 6, 2023 – December 18, 2023

Application Deadline: December 18, 2023 at 5pm EST


Please note that the application form does not automatically save or allow responses to be edited after submission so please be prepared to complete the application in one sitting. 

For any questions regarding the application, please email

 Program Eligibility:

  • Early Career Faculty within 5 years of initial faculty appointment or Post-doctoral Fellow from a participating NORC institution (required)
  • NORC Pilot and Feasibility grant recipients (encouraged to apply)
  • NORC Diversity Scholars (encouraged to apply)

Application Components:

  1. Topic of proposed presentations
  2. Overview of proposed presentations (NTE 1 page double-spaced for each presentation, for 2 presentations).
  3. Curriculum vitae (CV)
  4. Personal statement (1- double spaced page maximum): Describe how this award will further career development and academic advancement as a nutrition obesity researcher. Please include both short and long-term goals, and current challenges.
  5. One Letter of Support/ Recommendation:
  • From Department Chair, Division, Unit Chief, or Mentor. The letter should include:
    • Potential for applicant to utilize INSPIRE to enhance their career and program of research.
    • Commitment to continue to support the faculty member or postdoc in their career development over time.
  1. Mentor/ Champion suggestions within your NORC (list up to two names and email addresses)
  2. Short demographic survey
  3. Current and prior grant funding
  4. NORC Institution